*UDPATE** Snickers Bars and Peanut Butter Squared Snickers bars are $0.59 with in-ad coupon at Walgreens, so you can get these for cheap with the BOGO SNICKERS Bar and Peanut Butter Squared Bar coupon. Here’s the deal:
Buy two Snickers bars and two Snickers Peanut Better Squared Bars
Minus two BOGO SNICKERS Bar and Peanut Butter Squared Bar coupons
Total Due: $0.30 each!
Would make great Easter basket candy gifts! (Thanks Wild for Wags for the pic.)
I’m loving these candy coupons this morning! Well, I would be loving them if they didn’t have gluten. :/ But hubby will love them, and that’s almost as good:
Make sure you print these out now as I’m unsure how long they’ll be around:
I have Celiac & have been eating these. Snickers are gluten free!
Oh my gosh, Jennifer, I assumed with the caramel and filling that they weren’t. This is fantastic news! 🙂