**I am keeping this posted on the top of Addicted to Saving all day today. Please scroll down to see the newest posts made. Thank you.
You may have noticed that many websites today have a blackout. No, web companies are not arbitrarily taking the day off. Many websites, blogs and online companies are protesting SOPA. Are you unfamiliar with SOPA? I was until a few weeks ago. It is scary because if SOPA is passed, blogs like Addicted to Saving may be affected.
I am not going to black out my blog today. But, I do want you to be aware of what potentially may occur. The video below does a great job of explaining everything.
PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.
Thanks for posting that video. It explains it really well.
Wow! Thanks for posting that video. It explains it very clearly. I am contacting my reps today. You can contact your reps easily on google… https://www.google.com/landing/takeaction/
Thank you for posting that ! The Web helped many countrys fight for freedoms that we take for granted in this county. “WE THE PEOPLE ” our forefathers fought for our freedoms . Dont let others try to suger coat laws that infringe with on our rights.
Next they will tell us we can not use coupons!