The Swag Bucks page on Facebook reached 200,000 fans today. In honor of that, they will be giving a code worth 20 Swag Bucks tomorrow. If I am home when the code is available, I will post it immediately. The message below gives more info:
“Hey Swaggernauts – we’ve reached 200K fans on Facebook and everyone at Swag Central is thrilled about it! In fact, we’ll be putting a special code out tomorrow on the Facebook page. It’ll be worth 20 Swag Bucks and be available to the first 10,000 people who redeem it, so stay tuned, because you never know when (or where on our page) the code will be!”
If you have not yet signed up for Swag Bucks, go Here!
I LOVE Swag Bucks, go Here to read about the FREE Wii I received from Swag Bucks!
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no sign of it yet. thing tsg has slept in