Go HERE to read the latest Swag Buck’s blog for an easy clue to find a code worth 8 Swag Bucks! The code expires at 6pm EST tonight (4/21/10). **Don’t forget it only takes 450 Swag Bucks to get a $5.00 Amazon gift card!
If you have not yet signed up for Swag Bucks, go Here!
I LOVE Swag Bucks, go Here to read about the FREE Wii I received from Swag Bucks!
If you are new to Swag Bucks, go Here to learn how to succeed at Swag Bucks
I am loving these swagbucks already up to 110. Thanks Liza
where was it. I never did find it!
Cindy – Go to this website… They break down exactly how to find the code and what it looked like… This may help you next time. http://tattooastronomy.blogspot.com/2010/04/swag-store-code-4-21-10-breakdown.html