This Week’s Best Produce Deals
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by Liza
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by Liza
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The produce deals are getting better here in Florida as the warmer weather has arrived. How about where you are? Here are this weeks best deals on fruits and veggies at Publix, Winn-Dixie, and Target.
Publix- 5-19 thru 5-25 or 5-20 thru 5-26by Liza
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Not sure of who has the best deal on fruit and veggies this week? I thought I would highlight a few good deals at a couple local supermarkets for this weeks ads.
Publix Corn on the Cob $0.25 each Chiquita Bananas $0.59/lb Sweet Vidalia Onions $3.99 for 5-lb bag To see Publix ad with match-ups go HERE Winn Dixie Idaho Potatoes B1G1 5-lb. bag (save up to $3.99 on two) Cucumbers $0.50 each Carrots 1-lb bag $0.50 each Fresh Green Onions (bundle) $0.50 each SuperTarget Strawberries $1.49 1-lb. package- Sale ends 5-15by Liza
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If you have a SuperTarget near you, it is worth a stop this week as they have lean ground beef on sale $1.99 per pound. That is a good deal!
by Liza
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I picked up free Gillette Body Wash at Target yesterday and I wanted to repost this to remind you all that you can receive 2 men’s Gillette Body Wash FREE at Target when you use the $4.00/2 Gillette Men’s Body Wash coupon from 2/21/10 P&G! Read my post Here for the full details!
by Liza
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Hungry Hungry Hippos was one of my favorite games to play as a child (I still love it! :)) Walmart and Target have the travel size Hungry Hungry Hippos game priced around $4.99 to $5.99. If you use the $4.00 off coupon from Here, you will score a very cheap travel size game!! (Travel sized games are usually found in the luggage section or endcaps in the toy section)
Thanks Hip2Save!
by Liza
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Starting this Sunday at Target, there will be an awesome deal on Frosted Mini-Wheats Cereal. If you want to do this deal, I recommend you print off the $1.50/2 Frosted Mini Wheats coupon NOW (update – I was only able to print one coupon per compute print two copies per computer).
To get the best deal, you will need two $1.50/2 Frosted Mini-Wheats coupons. Sunday, Kellogg’s Cereals will be 4/$10.00 AND you will receive a $5.00 Target Gift card when you buy 4 cereals. (I have included other coupons below in case you decide to buy other Kellogg’s Cereals) Below I am giving you a scenario where you have two transactions and buy eight boxes of cereal!
Transaction One Kellogg’s Cereals & Pop Tarts, 4/$10Thanks Passion for Savings!
by Liza
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Today was one of those days where everything seemed to go right. I had a great 9 mile run this morning, the weather was a bit warmer, the sun was out and most importantly, Target was FULLY STOCKED with the items I needed to score big time. Ha. If you read my post earlier this week (go Here) you will know I already tried to do this deal earlier in the week. However, Target didn’t have the necessary items needed for me to maximize my coupons and the Target weekly deal. **Before you read any further, please know this Target sale, ends today (Saturday, Feb 20th).** I spent $15.55 out of pocket on all of the items above. I saved $106.64, received $15 in Target Gift Cards to use next time, AND I will receive $15.00 from the Olay rebate. Yeah!! Target paid me $14.45 to take home over $106 worth of merchandise!
I broke down the items above into two transactions. I did the same transaction each time.
Transaction One
3 Venus Breeze Razors $20.97 (minus three $2.00/1 P&G coupons) 1 Gillette Fusion Razor $6.99 (minus one $4.00/1 P&G coupon) 3 Olay Body Wash $16.50 (minus three Free Olay Wash coupons wyb 1 Venus Razor) Total Spent after coupons: $15.55 Received three $5.00 Target Gift CardsTransaction Two
3 Venus Breeze Razors $20.97 (minus three $2.00/1 P&G coupons) 1 Gillette Fusion Razor $6.99 (minus one $4.00/1 P&G coupon) 3 Olay Body Wash $16.50 (minus three Free Olay Wash coupons wyb 1 Venus Razor) Total Spent after coupons and using the three gift cards received above: $0.00, received $0.98 in cash! **I’m not sure what happened in this transaction but the next thing I knew, we were paid $0.98 to take this transaction home!! Received three $5.00 Target Gift Cards Breakdown: I now have $15.00 in Target Cards to use and I will receive the $15 Olay rebate!! Target paid me $14.45 to shop today =)