I had one of those “days” yesterday where I was under the weather and not working as much as I should have been. I just wanted to thank all of you – I saw a ton of questions get posted on the site during my absence and I then saw so many of you answer the questions. THANK YOU!! You all are getting so good at couponing and I love the fact that if I don’t answer a question, I can rest assured that someone else will answer it for me! Side note – if you email me and I don’t respond quickly (it’s hard to now that I receive 100+ emails a day) you will probably get your answer a lot quicker if you ask it on this site. 😉
I am back to reality today – I just got back from my weekly Publix trip and I am about to post a ton of deals included my Photo Show and Tell.. Hope you all are having a marvelous week! Happy Thursday!
Thanks again for all of your help. You are THE BEST readers! 🙂