The produce deals are getting better here in Florida as the warmer weather has arrived. How about where you are? Here are this weeks best deals on fruits and veggies at Publix, Winn-Dixie, and Target.
Publix- 5-19 thru 5-25 or 5-20 thru 5-26Sliced Watermelon $0.49/lb.
Mangos $1.00 each
Publix Baby Cut and Peeled Carrots 16 oz, $1.29
Florida Vine Ripe Tomatoes, $1.49/lb.
Florida Sweet Corn, $0.25 each Winn Dixie 5-19 thru 5-25 Red Delicious Apples $0.75/ lb. Tropical Gold Pineapple $1.99 each Mushrooms 8 oz. (whole or sliced) $0.99 Dole Iceberg or Leaf Lettuce $0.89 each Target 5-16 thru 5-22 Red Seedless Grapes $0.99/lb.
Just wanted to say thanks so much for posting these produce deals, I’ve never seen anybody do it before and it’s really helpful!
What a great idea and useful tool to help us get better prices on our veggies. I hope you can do it every week!! Thanks a bunch!