Attention Publix shoppers! I found a HOT $1.50/2 Bertolli Pasta sauce coupon in my RP insert. (I live in northern Tampa Bay.) Earlier this week I posted that there may be a $0.60/1 Bertolli Pasta sauce coupon but instead I received a $1.50/2 which will go perfectly with this week’s Publix sale!
Bertolli Pasta Sauce 15 or 24 oz jar (excludes organic), BOGO $2.57 for two
–$1/2 Bertolli Pasta Sauce 15 or 24 oz Target Coupon
-$1.50/2 Bertolli any Pasta Sauce 2/20/11 RP Insert (exp 3/20/2011)
**Option one: If your store accepts Target coupons, buy 2, use one $1/2 Target, use one $1.50/1 man, makes them $0.07 or $0.04 each
**Option two: Buy 2, use one $1.50/2 man, makes them $1.07 or $0.54 each
Check to see if you received a $1.00/2 Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice coupon in today’s RP insert. They will be BOGO starting Thursday (or Wednesday depending on where you live). With one $1/2 coupon we should score two puches for around $0.49 each! 🙂
Can anybody see the Target Q?
My mistake. I went to instead of clicking the redplum link.
Just thought I would let you know the Target coupon is no longer available.
Hi Michelle – I just saw the coupon at 6:37 pm EST tonight.. Are you sure you are clicking the link I have on this post?
Yes, when go to print it says that they have reached there limit.
Liza, there is also a $1.50 off of 2 Wishbone dressings and they are a BOGO this week at Publix too. Not sure if you posted that yet.
It’s 8:55 pm and I just printed 2 Target Bertolli coupons with no problems
Mine also printed w/o picture, but just used them today w/o problem.
I got a 75¢/1 Uncle Bens Ready rice in my insert WHOOO HOOOO
Amy – SO jealous! 🙂
I printed the Bertoli coupon a few days ago and it doesn’t print the picture. Did any one else have this problem? Will it matter there is no picture on it? I had plenty of ink so not sure why there isn’t a picture.
The Bertolli was $2.95 in my store! Mine ended up at $.22/each using the Target and Mfg coupons. Still a good deal. I wonder why such a price difference?
Hi Kathy! Prices vary regionally and sometimes even from store to store. $0.22 each is still a great deal in my book! 🙂
Our Publix actually had the peelies on the Advil-woohoo!
last september 18 iggo grocery to safeway in washinton avenue in san sanleandro when i pay my bill they give me paper containing bertoli coupan saying if you buy bertolli sauce in near fulure you ge discount of 2.00 dollars so on sept232011 i buy 1 bertoli sauce hoping to have a dicount of 2.00 dollars but when ia preseent the coupon to the employee he said it is not a coupon but an advertisement that does not make sense giving a coupon but not honoring i just wndering if it is not a coupon but advertising only shy print on paper to have a discount of your future buying of bertolli cna you answer this becasuse i keep onwandering the situation you are ceceiving your customer printing and not honoring it