It is a slow week at Walgreens. I have only included two scenarios this week to stick with my weekly budget. Other than the Mitchum deodorant there really isn’t anything that is standing out in this week’s ad. This post includes specific items you can purchase and coupons that you can use to maximize your dollar AND your Register Rewards at Walgreens. If you have Register Rewards to use, that will give you more options. The goal of this post is to help you get an idea on how to roll your RRs from one week to the next. Please also know that these transactions do not take into account tax. Every state taxes differently so you may need to budget a little extra to cover tax.
To see this week’s Walgreens Weekly Ad and Coupon Matchups, go HERE.
Transaction #1
Buy one Mitchum Antiperspirant/Deodorant 1.5 or 2.7 oz., $2.99 (you will receive $2RR)
Minus one $1/1 Mitchum Product 8/21/2011 SS Insert (exp 9/25/2011)
If you have RRs from last week use them here to save even more!
Total Spent: $1.99
Receive: $2RR
Transaction #2
Buy two Post Cereal 11 to 24 oz., 2/$5 (you will receive $1RR)
Minus one $1/2 Post Kids Cereal or Pebbles Treats 7/24/2011 SS Insert (exp 9/4/2011) USE SUNDAY!
Minus $2 RR from Transaction #1
Total Spent: $2
Receive: $1RR
Total Out of Pocket: $3.99 + applicable taxes
Product Worth: $7.99 + tax and you have $1 RR to use next time from Transaction #2!
**Don’t forget that Register Rewards expire very quickly and if you let them expire, you are basically throwing away money. If you are concerned you will let them expire, I would put your RRs towards paper products like toilet paper and paper towels which are hard to get dirt cheap!
When I have gone to Walgreens the last two weeks, I’ve been told that Register Rewards are Manufacturer’s Coupons, so you can’t have 2 per item. I was also told that if you use a RR from say, Dove against a product that is owned by Dove it won’t print out another RR for next time. Is anyone else having this trouble??? Also told you can only have as many coupons as you have items which makes the scenario above impossible for me. Please help!!!
Hi Ali,
If you have a Mfg coupon for say Dove and a RR reward from last week you need to find a small filler item .25 cents, .40 cents in order to use 2 coupons. Walgreens usually has some kind of candy on sale that I usually grab. Incase they don’t, one day when you have some extra time, walk around the store to find low priced items. ie clearance, school supply etc. Then if you need a filler, you’ll know where to look. Good Luck.
It’s also true that if you use an RR to buy a product that’s supposed to get an RR, it has to be from a different company or the RR won’t print out. For example, if you have an RR from Listerine from a previous purchase, you can’t buy another Listerine item with an RR — if you do, you won’t get the RR.
Walgreens coupon policy really sucks I quit going there you can get better deals at cvs or rite aid with your coupons and not have to deal with all that. You can use all your coupons and still get your rewards coupon and use them on the same product next time.
Buy 7 vicks vapodrops at 2/1.79 total 6.27.Use 2- 3/2 vicks 8/28 p&g, pay .27