Comments on: Walgreens Weekly Ad 2/21 – 2/27 Addicted to saving money! Thu, 25 Feb 2010 21:56:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Liza Thu, 25 Feb 2010 21:56:29 +0000 In reply to Kelly.

Hi Kelly! It is an unadvertised deal. I went to two different Walgreens and one store had the RR deal advertised at the Excedrin Menstrual and the second store didn’t advertise the deal at all. However, both stores gave me $2RRs =) That said, I did hear of someone who didn’t receive the RRs after paying. I think you should try the deal and see what happens. If it doesn’t work out, you can either keep the Excedrin and spend $0.50 OR you can return it! Or, see if they will do a price check before you buy it – my store “couldn’t” do a price check… supposedly…

By: Kelly Thu, 25 Feb 2010 16:10:43 +0000 I am enjoying learning to play this game, thanks for taking the time to do this!

I’m curious where you see the RR deal on Excedrin Menstrual. I have been to 2 stores and looked through my local ad, and cannot find where they are offering RR for this product. I’m ready to go with my coupons if I can just find it!


By: Liza Sun, 21 Feb 2010 23:22:31 +0000 In reply to Dee Dee.

Dee Dee – Thank you also for the email re: goody ouchless hair elastics. I removed the incorrect coupon matchup. Thank you again!

By: Liza Sun, 21 Feb 2010 23:19:56 +0000 In reply to Dee Dee.

Let us know how your Walgreens run goes this week! Sounds like you are going to need to buy more newspapers each week b/c more newspapers = more free and dirt cheap items! 🙂

By: Dee Dee Sun, 21 Feb 2010 02:25:02 +0000 Thanks! I’m printed up, clipped out, and READY TO GO tomorrow! I just wish I had 10 more of those P&G free Olay body wash/Venus razor coupon combos. Oh well. I’ve already sent away for my rebate. And I suppose 3 big bottles of Olay will last me for the 6-8 week sale cycle…
