Comments on: Walgreens Weekly Ad 5/2/10 – 5/8/10 Addicted to saving money! Sun, 02 May 2010 22:50:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa Sun, 02 May 2010 22:50:49 +0000 I wanted to post what happened to me at Walgreens, because it looks like there is a new corporate policy at Walgreens.

I bought the Shick Quattro Women’s Razor for $8.99, used the $4 coupon from the 4/25 paper. Supposed to receive $3 RR for this product. Nothing printed out. I asked the guy, he called the manager and the manager said “You must have used a coupon for this.” I said “What does a coupon have to do with Register Rewards?” He said, “When the same manufacturer issues the Register Rewards as well as the coupon, you don’t get the rewards.” He also said that if you use a coupon on a product and try to use register rewards from the same manufacturer in the same transaction, the rewards are not accepted. In the end, he overrode the system and gave me the $3 in rewards. I told him that this process makes Register Rewards seem like false advertising. He said “tell me about it” as though he genuinely felt bad and probably dealt with this issue all the time.

Also, on, someone posted that not only is this is a new Walgreens policy that took effect last Friday, but they will no longer accept manufacturer coupons and Walgreens coupons for the same item.

Not sure if anyone else has dealt with this yet but I thought you should know what happened to me.
