Walgreens has even more freebies this week! Below is this week’s Walgreens ad and coupon matchups. If you see any deals I’ve missed, please leave a comment on this post so that everyone can take advantage of the deals. You can email them to me but I may not have a chance to post each and every deal – so posting them here would be better!
**Also – make sure you click the link at the bottom of this post that says “Display All Matchups” so that you don’t miss out on any of the deals below!
just wonderin’ on the loreal,$4 rr if you spend $12.then you would have to buy two, right?????
Thanks Carrie, I just fixed it. Thank you for the heads up!
if i have a B1G1 coupon for tampax pearl can i use it to get free tampons this week since they are BOGO
I read somewhere that Campbell’s Chicken Noodle and Tomato soups are $0.69 each w/ the in-ad coupon, so w/ the $1/5 q on Campbell’s website, that would make them $0.49 each. But, I have a question- the in-ad q says limit of 3, so would they still let me get 5 and use the coupon??? If not, $0.69 is still a great price when I was going to get them at Publix this week for $1/each. 😀
I have tried to find the Keri lotion all week. Today when I was in Walgreens I was told by mgmt that they did not give rain checks on RR. I was told that they could give me a rain check on the sale price though. I called corporate when I got home to verify their rain check policy. Corporate told me that the RR deal was only good on Saturday, not all week. She pointed out that it was in the grey box on the back “SaturDate with Beauty”. I relayed to corporate that I had just come from a store where they told me that they just received a shipment and did not get any of the Keri lotion and did not know when they would. I have been in several stores this week and not one of the stores has mentioned this was a Saturday only special. I would love to hear your comments. Any one else think this sale was for all week? Has anyone purchased Keri this week and received RR? Thanks.