FREE fabric softener, anyone?! Head to Walmart where you can get a bottle of FREE Purex Crystals ScentSplash after coupon and mail-in rebate!
Buy one Purex Crystals ScentSplash, $3.62
Minus one $1/1 Purex Crystals ScentSplash
Pay $2.62 and submit for Mail in Rebate for Purex ScentSplash
Total Due (after rebate): FREE!
- Check out other FREEBIES and WALMART DEALS while you’re on Addicted to Saving!
Thanks, Grocery Shop for FREE at the Mart!
Just want to clarify with the Purex Crystals rebate:
“To receive a rebate check up to $5.00, mail the following TWO ITEMS to the address provided by 01/31/16. You have to prchase 2 items to get the rebate right?
Hi Latrell! I just double checked the rebate. When it says, mail the following two items, it is saying to mail the 1) Cash register receipt and 2) the rebate. I also reread all of the fine print and it doesn’t say anywhere that we have to buy two bottles. So, you will only need to buy one 🙂