My mail lady must think we are crazy. Literally every day our mail box is jammed with magazines,envelopes with freebies, bills (yuck), etc etc.
Today I received a bottle of FREE Louisiana Hot Sauce and I received the FREE Glade Fragrance Pack because I was one of the first 10,000 entries!! (Both deals are now over)
Did you get anything fun?
Yes! $15.00 rebate from formula. Free sample of shampoo/conditioner. Pampers coupons 🙂 … and bills… haha
Nothing good today, but two days ago I got the hot sauce in the mail and was able to convince hubby I had ordered a special gift for him!! tee hee 🙂 Yesterday I got the Fiber One bar, and the super cheap Disney MP3 player for my daughter’s Easter basket. LOVE the mail these days!
Totally got a full-sized bottle of Pantene from Vocalpoint along with a bunch of magazines (all FREE subscriptions!!).
I got a free book “Revolution in World Missions” and a coupon for a free seventh generation natural dish liquid! Score!