I had a pretty decent mail day today! Lots of freebies including two Savings are Stocking up at Publix coupon booklets! (I will post coupon matchups for the Publix books shortly). I would love to hear about the freebies and coupons you have received this week in the mail! Below are the freebies I received today:
FREE Nescafe Taster’s Choice Samples
FREE Frogtape Sample
FREE Downy unstopables
FREE Green Mountain Coffee Sample
2 Savings are Stocking up at Publix Booklets
FREE Saveur Magazine (this is the last month for my free Saveur subscription :()
I also received my Unstopables and Publix Stocking Spree today!
I received my frog tape! Apparently I somehow missed the signup for the other stuff 🙁
How were u able to receive 2 stocking up? I thought it was 1 per household?
I know Tiffany! I have absolutely no idea – they are both in my name.. I guess they made a mistake?
oh I got not one but two swiffer dusters too!! I guess we got lucky!
I signed up for most of these things and haven’t received any of them. Bummer.
I received one swiffer and a sample of Dove Body mist along with a $1 Q