Check out this coupon found in the Winn Dixie 3-day flyer – you can get $1.00 off one gallon of Winn Dixie brand milk. You should be able to find these in the front of your local Winn Dixie. (These are only in the 3-day ad from Sunday).
Also, if your Publix accepts Winn Dixie as a competitor, they should accept this on Publix brand milk. This coupon is good thru 4/22/14.
Plus, there is a $0.50/1 Milk Checkout51 offer available, meaning $1.50 off of one gallon of milk!
**Note** Publix Greenwise milk is on sale 2 for $10 (Reg $5.99), so you can get organic milk for just $4/gallon if that’s your thing.
Thanks who said nothing in life is free!
- Check out other High Value Coupons while you’re on Addicted to Saving.
the coupon is not available in circulars at the store
Wow, I’m shocked! They must only be in the 3-day Sunday flyer. Thanks for the heads up, Joni!