Below is this week’s Winn Dixie Weekly Ad. To see this week’s Winn Dixie weekly ad online, go HERE, plug your zipcode in and you can see each and every page of the ad.
**Make sure you click on “Display All Matchups” to see all of the sales items at the bottom of this post.
The Sundown Naturals are BOGO until Wednesday, the Winn Dixie’s by me all accept competitor coupons just like Publix. So I have brought Publix $6/2 coupons into Winn Dixie on 3 separate occasions and here is what I found. The first one told me she can only get away with using two of the Publix coupons because of what it reads, “Limit one deal per coupon per customer”.
The second Winn Dixie didn’t care how many I used. The third one was yesterday(they are all different Winn Dixie’s) and this is the first time I have ever heard of this coupon explanation from a manager. By the way, I ran the coupons by another manager first to make sure I could use multiple coupons on one transaction or multiple ones at all so that I don’t run into any problems at the register. He called another manager and said the only limit they have are on the $x off $xx coupons.
So when I tried to check out, the manager that he called to make sure it was fine came and told me since the items I were buying were BOGO, you can only use half the coupon for the item that wasn’t free. This basically eliminated the overage and ruined the trip I had planned out. I planned on spending only $3 on about $50 worth of stuff, but he said it would come out to be a pretty good deal anyways. I said spending $3 is way better than $23. I told them I have never heard that before and I will just take my coupons and go to a different one. I also told them that I asked a manager prior so I wouldn’t waste my time shopping. They didn’t really care though. It’s unfortunate, but has anyone else came into this problem with competitor coupons being translated to whatever they want, like only use half of it?