Below is this week’s Winn Dixie Weekly Ad. To see this week’s Winn Dixie weekly ad online, go HERE, plug your zipcode in and you can see each and every page of the ad.
**Make sure you click on “Display All Matchups” to see all of the sales items at the bottom of this post.
My WD started fuel perks this week… I AM EXCITED!!! I don’t know if you noticed…..but! on the back of the “back to school” ad there are some awesome coupons….
$1.00 off Capri Sun (10 ct.)
$1.00 off Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip
$1.00 off Oscar Mayer Lunch Meats (16 oz.)
$1.00 off Kraft Singles (12 oz.)
Love your Site! THANKS!!!