Comments on: Winn Dixie Weekly Ad & Coupon Matchups 9/12/12 – 9/18/12 Addicted to saving money! Tue, 18 Sep 2012 12:26:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: E Tue, 18 Sep 2012 12:26:35 +0000 There is a Pantene manufacturer coupon that was in this Sundays paper. It’s buy any Pantene shampoo and get a free conditioner or equal value. Winn Dixie has Pantene on sale for $3.84. But each bottle has something attached to it for free. So you get a free hairspray, shampoo or conditioner or mouse or gel with very bottle. So you are getting 4 Pantene products for $3.84. Less then a buck a piece.

By: Addicted to Saving Mon, 17 Sep 2012 11:53:15 +0000 In reply to Amanda.

It is the store’s choice whether or not they’ll accept coupons on the free items. Since they are going to be reimbursed from the manufacturer, it would make sense that they would, but many stores do not. I would simply ask your store’s customer service before trying to do the deal and see what their policy is. Good luck!

By: Amanda Mon, 17 Sep 2012 10:21:44 +0000 Hey! Thank you for your matchups! I am new to couponing at Winn Dixie. Are you able to use coupons on the free items in the deal where you buy the razor and get the 5 items free or buy the 3 Kelloggs cereal get the 4 items free? I have never done this before so I wanted to ask first. Thanks!

By: Lacey Mon, 17 Sep 2012 01:36:05 +0000 Hey! Just a heads up, there is a $5/1 any Gillette razor system coupon in the P&G that you can use as well as getting a Mach 3 and using the coupon for a FREE Mach 3 wyb gillette razor and get it free. 🙂
