This morning the newspaper I had delivered to my house was missing the SS insert. I get the S.P.Times delivered and this is the first time the delivered paper was missing an insert. I went to buy more papers, like I do every Sunday, and when I was going through them pulling the inserts out to file, I found an EXTRA SS insert! I can truthfully say this made my day. Not only did I get two SS inserts in one paper (Oh Happy Day) BUT the extra SS insert made up for the missing one in my delivered paper. I now have an even number of inserts which means I will be able to sleep better tonight. Ha.
Since I’m not much of a blogger on Sundays, I thought I would pose the question to all of you… Have you had any situations lately that made you think, “Wow, I am really Addicted to Saving?” It can be as simple as getting two duplicate inserts in one paper or as fun as scoring a great freebie. Inquiring minds want to know! And, it will be fun to see how many of us have experienced similar situations!
Happy Saving!
Our SP Times had 3 Inserts today – SS, Redplum & PG!
After church I picked up the Tampa Tribune and found the SS and Redplum inserts – a pretty good Sunday catch! I think this makes me “Addicted to Saving!”
I bought 4 St. Pete times and none had the P&G or the Redplum inserts!! I bought 2 Tampa Tribune and they had all 3 inserts as they were supposed to. I will buy Tampa Tribune only in the future!!
p.s. So addicted I got up early to go to CVS and Walgreens before church!!
sp times that was delivered to my house had all 3 inserts, however I went to the machine at the end of my block and RP and P&G were missing. checked all of the papers(stood there with the door held open)was so mad. Went to publix and was told to get the Tribune. that paper had all 3, so i bought it there. will NEVER buy from the machine again. I’m am so totally Addicated to Saving. Love when I score a freebie!! if I can’t use it, I’ll give it to someone who can!! “share the wealth”
I always buy the tribune from the machine and never a problem! This morning, only SS! My neighbor bought hers at Publix, and same thing! So I know I am addicted when I called my mom in south Florida, and had her buy me 8 papers for my neighbor and myself, since her papers had all 3! Dont want to miss out! So annoying! Saving is a good addiction to have!!!
I bought 2 papers this week for the first time. I am learning every day and becoming more and more addicted every day!
You know when you have an addiction is when you call the paper up and suggest they make a coupon on the paper….
I just started three weeks ago and have the fever BAD! I bought FOUR papers today,knowing I get my MIL’s and mom’s inserts. 🙂
Earlier this week, when I went to drop off stuff at the recycling center, I noticed the dumpster of newspapers and ask the guy if I could pull some Sunday inserts out. Now I have a nice little nest egg of coupons to get me started full swing. Most were from a couple of weeks back and some just expired I was able to get several copies. Today I took all those inserts back after clipping the coupons 🙂
Can someone give me the address of the recycling center in St Pete?
[email protected]
I check this blog SEVERAL times a day. That is one of the main reasons that I know I’m addicted to saving!!
The St. Pete times has not been delivering many subscribers the Smart Source inserts for several months. It is done by zipcode and dozens are affected. It is (they claim) due to a shortage of inserts provided relative to their recent increases in circulation. Very frustrating!!
I know I am addicted to saving because I read that we were supposed to get CoverGirl coupons in the P&G but they weren’t in mine so I am driving to another area to hopefully find them haha.
My delivered St. Pete Times had all 3 inserts. Went to Albertson’s and none of the SPTs had the RP. Then went to Publix and they didn’t have RP either. Checked the Tampa paper and they it had all 3. Whew! Was going to have an Addicted meltdown!
addicted definitely. I had the paper deliverd to me and st pete times had no SS only RP. I went to publix and bought 4 tampa tribunes and all had PG, RP and SS…yes I am addicted I checked all 4 newspapers before the cashier rung me up. LOL
I live in Brandon, and found Red Plums and P&G’s in St. Petes, and Smart Source in Tampa Tribune! Its been an expensive Sunday for papers! Jeez!
My delivered St. Pete times had all 3. Then I went to the 7-11 near my house to get more Tampa Tribunes. The cashier must have thought I was crazy because I was standing over the papers taking them apart to make sure they had all three. They did, so score! My (coupon illiterate) husband told me we “already had a paper”. Thanks dear…did you notice the 10 deoderants and 20 razors under the sink that cost less than we used to spend on just 2. He’ll never get it. I also spent part of the day yesterday talking to the manager of an Applebees near my work asking them to participate in the teacher appreciation free meal on Tuesday. She is asking corporate for permission. Yea…I’m addicted to saving.
Here in Miami Florida.
My DH is the one that goes every Sunday to get the paper. So I am going thru the paper and i get 2 P&G, this happened in 3 papers (i buy 4). So this made up for those times when my inserts were missing (when I 1st started couponing). But now we check all the papers before we get out to make sure they are there.
And I think I am addicted to saving. When I save 50-60%, its just ok to me. When I want to tell EVERYONE about my shopping trips and how I paid $20 for $125 worth!!!!!
When I make my DH search the garbage @ our neighborhood mial box station and get all the coupon inserts that people throw away…hahaha..he is a good DH.
I must confess I have become fully addicted to savings on so many levels! Two weeks ago I went by the in-laws to pick up the inserts they would otherwise be throwing out (a travesty!) and my father in law informed me that there were 6 RedPlums shoved in his paper- You would have thought I won the lottery!! I also know that I am “addicted” because I get so excited when somebody that I have shared “the secret” with starts saving money…and I always refer them to this site first-which is my final sign that I am ADDICTED!! I think you hung the moon Liza and we haven’t even met-LOL!! Thanks so much-this website is a def. lifeline for me-I love it!
I always, always buy extra papers, but this morning even the one delivered to the house had NO inserts, call and they did bring another, but the $4 Nivea coupon was not there and when we went to get extra papers today the RP was missing from all the papers…. of course lots on ebay today
Jax., FL
One reason I know i’m addicted….we actually had to pay full price for the two items I purchased last night at the store for dinner! GASP!!!! I had my coupon binder and everything (which my husband is VERY embarrassed of at times) but what he decided he wanted for dinner I had no coupons for. It actually pained me to tell the cashier “no” when she asked if we had coupons! Beyond that, I check this website and facebook page multiple times a day and when I go to the grocery store and I don’t have my coupon binder! I feel soooo lost. I know whole heartedly that I’m addicted but I refuse to start paying full price for my weekly groceries.
These stories are so funny! I know I am addicted because I text my weekly totals to my friends and they send me theirs and we cheer each other on!
@Cynthia — I do the same thing every week!! I usually hit walmart, cvs, and walgreens before 8:00 am on Sundays! I’ve had a walgreens cashier comment that I was beating “the church people”. Nope! I AM one of the church people; I just know when to shop!
i live in FL, but shopped the freebies/sales while we were out of town in TN. We didn’t really have room in the car, but I didn’t want to miss out on a Sunday sale. and every hotel we stayed at, I got on my laptop and checked this site (briefly) to make sure I was on top of the sales. I even brought my coupons with me. Yeah, I know, I know, I am cool. ha ha!
ps. I even had a coupon that was expiring for photos at walgreens when I was out of town and I sent them to get developed so I could use my coupon!
I stayed up late (until 4am) waiting for the bloggers to update their deals, looking at store ads online, getting my list together. I then got up early and bought 4 papers came home and got my stuff ready and headed out! I went to 2 different CVS and Walgreens just to find the right products and then picked up 2 free copies of the local newspaper that only has the SS insert in it. So I have 6 SS inserts, 4 RP inserts, and 4 PG inserts. I ALWAYS check the newspapers before I check out!! 🙂 I got home and am still searching for more deals instead of studying for final exams!!
I found out that I was addicted to saving when I was posting a want ad on a forum of a playgroup I belong to in my area. Also when I considered using all of my ECB or RR from CVS and Walgreens just to buy newspapers!
Yesterday, I figured out I am addicted to savings when i went through the recycling bin to get inserts. When I was dropping off recycling I noticed a stack of inserts, so I got them and searched for more. My kids were embarassed to death but they love the savings. I think I might need a support group.
yesterday i bought 6 st.pete time (which i hate to do because they are $1.00 each opposed to the .50 tampa trib. i bought them because it was late in the day and we were on the way back from the beach. i got home and started going through the coupons and each of them only had a SS. =[ i was soo mad.