Comments on: Zaycon Foods & Addicted to Saving on Good Morning America Addicted to saving money! Fri, 29 Jun 2018 15:48:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Liza Fri, 29 Jun 2018 15:48:11 +0000 In reply to Angry Customer.

I definitely feel and hear your anger. I understand it. I’ve relied on them for 9 years. I can’t remember the last time I’ve purchased ground beef or chicken breasts at a grocery store. I have four pending orders that have all been cancelled and I too am frustrated. Like I said, please try again and contact your bank or credit card company and dispute the charges. Two days ago I received cancellation texts for all of the four upcoming events I had pending orders at. Those texts will be proof for my bank. Most banks and credit card companies are now aware of the situation because of all of the calls and they should be able to help you. Supply all of the info you have. Keep me posted.

By: Angry Customer Fri, 29 Jun 2018 05:37:13 +0000 So how do you feel about the Zaycon situation now???? I think you should disclose the names of these so-called good people you have known for years so the thousands of people, such as myself, that are out hundreds of dollars can try and get in contact with them….or anyone to try and get our money back. I have never in my life gone through anything even remotely close to a scam like this. I am outraged and demand answers. You personally vouched for these people and I think you owe us, customers who believed your validation, an explanation or some sort of help. Unless, of course, you are part of the scam and benefited from our misfortune. I have a family of 5 and it was a huge burden on us financially to scrounge up the money to place an order, hoping it would feed us through the year. Now we are dead broke and have close to a $1,000 in the wind that we can’t even dispute with our banks because the allotted time frame for the dispute has long passed. I WANT ANSWERS! No one seems to be able to get a hold of anyone in the company, media included. You have at least some information. It is your civil duty to share it! How do you sleep at night!?!? Shame on you!

By: Leslie Ramey Tue, 23 Oct 2012 14:46:13 +0000 I have never heard of Zaycon. I registered and am hoping to get an email that they will be in my area!! 🙂

By: Addicted to Saving Tue, 16 Oct 2012 22:34:26 +0000 In reply to Kari.

Thanks Kari 🙂

By: Kari Tue, 16 Oct 2012 21:26:06 +0000 Saw you and Jeff! Awesome!! 🙂

By: Sylvia Tue, 16 Oct 2012 15:39:07 +0000 Hi, How are the prices for ground beef? Do you buy any other meats besides chicken and beef?

By: Pays2Save Mon, 15 Oct 2012 22:40:46 +0000 I wish they had an event near me. I would LOVE to stock up my freezer with their chicken. I’ve heard a lot of good reviews about them. I saw you guys on the video!!! 🙂
